Keeping Skin Fresh and Glowing
Hello guys, How are you all? Hope you guys are having a great Saturday. However,
'Oh My God.....! My skin is getting wrinkled and loosing it's glow.' sometimes we notice something like that saying with a very poor sound. We sometimes face something like that. But, do not worry. Today I'll tell you how to keep your skin fresh and glowing.
How to brighten your skin or keep glowing; you can easily get lost in the beauty jungle. To keep your skin healthy first you have to keep your body healthy; For keeping your body healthy you have to eat healthy foods.
Healthy skin = Healthy Body
Healthy body = Healthy food
Healthy food = Healthy skin
Isn't it funny huh!
Avoid. Now, I'll tell you some foods that will help you keeping your skin healthy.
Eat Cheese
Cheese is a very useful food. Make one or two slice and it's a part of your diet. Cheese prevent bacteria from growing in mouth and prevent cavities. It contains calcium and keep you smiling and cavity free teeth.Eat Blackberries and Blueberries
Blackberry and Blueberry are the two special anti-aging fruits in nature. They keep your skins elasticity, strengthen the gum and keep your eyes healthy. It also keep you from dry itchy patches.
Eat Nuts
A handful nuts can give you fats need your skin clear and luminous. It contains vitamin B complex which is good for not only your skin but also your hair growth. It gives your skin more youthful appearance and keeps you always fresh and clear.Eat Green Vegetables
Green vegetables like asparagus, spinach and broccoli is a huge source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is most important vitamin content that your skin needed. IE vitamin helps to build muscle and tissue. It also fight wrinkles. It restores your damaged skin and keeps your skin healthy.
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