Monday, December 8, 2014

The Good Fats and The Bad Fats

Hey friends, How are you? Hope you guys are spending a great healthy life having healthy foods. Am I right? So, today we are going to learn about fats. Yup , Fats. I mean what are the good fats and what are the bad fats. Lets learn.

At first you should know "what is fat?" 

There are three main macro nutrients, fat is one of them. Carbohydrate and Protein are another two macro nutrients. Fats are a widespread group of compounds which is base in a long chain organic acids, which is known as fatty acids. It is a natural oily element progressive in animal bodies. It accrued under the skin.

I'll describe four fats and they are:

1. Mono-unsaturated fat
2. Poly-unsaturated fat
3. Saturated fat
4. Trans fat

Clinical nutritionist at Massachusetts General Hospital Mr. Alexa Schmitt says, Mono-unsaturated and Poly-unsaturated fats are the GOOD FATS. But Trans fat should avoid completely. Saturated and Trans fats are the BAD FATSstill then Saturated fat can be eaten in frugality.

Mono-unsaturated fat

Mono-unsaturated fat is available in natural foods as red meat, nuts, milk products, high fat fruits like olives and avocados. Olive oil contains 75% and  sunflower oil contains 85% Mono-unsaturated fat.  Canola oil and Cashews contains 58% Mono-unsaturated fat, beef fat contains 50% Mono-unsaturated fat.

Mono-unsaturated fat decreased risk for breast cancer, reduced cholesterol levels, lower risk for heart disease and stroke, weight loss, less severe pain and stiffness for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis, reduced belly fat.

Poly-unsaturated fat

Poly-unsaturated fat is available in Walnuts, Canola Oil, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds, Unsalted Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Olive Oil, Seaweed, Sardines, Soybeans, Tuna, Wild Salmon, Whole Grain Wheat etc. 

Poly-unsaturated fat reduces blood pressure, improves depression and ADHD, lowers triglycerides.
There are two different poly-unsaturated fat, Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Saturated fat

Saturated fat is available in coconut oil, palm oil, butter, ground beef, dark chocolate, salmon, egg yolks, cashews and soybean oil.

Saturated fat has many health risk as it may causes heart attacks, strokes, it increases production of cholesterol, it causes obesity, heart diseases, breast and colon cancer.

Trans Fat

There are small amount of trans fat in dairy products, beefs, veal, mutton and lamb.
Trans fat usually found in deep-fried foods, some take-away meals and baked goods, such as pies, pastries, cakes, biscuits and buns.

According to American heart association, it may increases harmful LDL cholesterol and decreases good HDL cholesterol. It can increase risk of heart diseases and type-2 diabetes.

So friends, if you have any question or confusion you may let me know. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Vegetables With A Great Natural Value

Hey there, what's up? Hope you guys enjoying having healthy foods. Anyway, today I'll let you know some natural values of some popular vegetables. I hope it will honestly help you keeping your body healthy.


Tomato is a very popular in vegetables which is almost available in any countries.  A 123 gram tomato provides approximately,

Fat  :                          0     grams
Carbohydrate:           5     grams (with 1 gram fiber and 3 grams of sugar)
Protein:                     1      gram

Tomato contains  vitamin A and C in a huge amount. It also contains alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folic acid, lutein and beta-carotene.
We should know that alpha-lipoic acid is good for transformation of energy, nerve tissue and even brain preservation.
Choline is an important nutrient that helps sleeping, movement of body muscles and working memory.


You do not need to take vitamin A pills if you know that carrot is great source of vitamin A.
Carrot is a fruit which has a great value in case of healthy eye. It contains beta-carotene which has been proved
as a useful element for better eye sight. Beta-carotene converted into vitamin A in liver. Vitamin A transformed
into rhodopsin, a purple pigment that is for night vision.

It also prevent cancer, keeps your skin glowing, cleanse the Body, keeps teeth and gums healthy even it helps to prevent
stroke. It has anti-aging nutrients and it is also a powerful antiseptic.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is a popular spice for food humorist. It is not only a great spice rather it has a huge amount of
health benefits. It has many goodness in itself. It has benefits like relief from respiratory disorders, coughs,
the common cold, constipation, indigestion, anemia, impotency, muscular strains, dental disease, pyorrhea,
diarrhea, and heart disease.

Black pepper is not only a spice, it is also a medicine. The chemical piperine causes the spiciness. It is native
to Kerala, the southern state of India. It grows throughout the year and it has a high demand market value.

So guys, have a healthy life and if you have any problem then let us know.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Keeping Skin Fresh and Glowing

Hello guys, How are you all? Hope you guys are having a great Saturday. However,
'Oh My God.....! My skin is getting wrinkled and loosing it's glow.'    sometimes we notice something like that saying with a very poor sound. We sometimes face something like that. But, do not worry. Today I'll tell you how to keep your skin fresh and glowing.

How to brighten your skin or keep glowing; you can easily get lost in the beauty jungle. To keep your skin healthy first you have to keep your body healthy; For keeping your body healthy you have to eat healthy foods.
  Healthy skin = Healthy Body
  Healthy body = Healthy food
  Healthy food = Healthy skin

Isn't it funny huh!
Avoid. Now, I'll tell you some foods that will help you keeping your skin healthy.



Eat Cheese

Cheese is a very useful food. Make one or two slice and it's a part of your diet. Cheese prevent bacteria from growing in mouth and prevent cavities. It contains calcium and keep you smiling and cavity free teeth.


Eat Blackberries and Blueberries

Blackberry and Blueberry are the two special anti-aging fruits in nature. They keep your skins elasticity, strengthen the gum and keep your eyes healthy. It also keep you from dry itchy patches.


Eat Nuts

A handful nuts can give you fats need your skin clear and luminous. It contains vitamin B complex which is good for not only your skin but also your hair growth. It gives your skin more  youthful appearance and keeps you always fresh and clear.


Eat Green Vegetables

Green vegetables like asparagus, spinach and broccoli is a huge source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is most important vitamin content that your skin needed. IE vitamin helps to build muscle and tissue. It also fight wrinkles. It restores your damaged skin and keeps your skin healthy.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Health Benefits of Papaya

Hello reciters, what's up there? Hope you guys have a great Friday. In fact I spent a great day. So, are you started eating healthy foods? Wish you are. Today I'm going to tell you some benefits of a very popular fruit Papaya. Look below and start gathering knowledge. :)


Botanical name: Carica papaya 

Papaya is from southern Mexico and central America. But now it is cultivated in most tropical regions as Hawaii. Papaya is introduced Hawaii in the early 1800s. Hawaii is the only one state in U.S where papaya grows commercially.

There are two types of papaya. Mexican which is the big one and weight as much as 10 pounds.
And Hawaiian which is the small one that seen in the grocery stores. It is the common type of papaya.
Few people call papaya "tree melon" or "pawpaw". Isn't the name "Pawpaw" funny?

Use of Papaya

Basically we eat papaya as a very very tasty fruit, It's juicy taste is favorite to all. It is also uses as meat tenderizer. Unripe papaya is used in some country of the world as vegetable substitute for plating dishes. But it is recommended as a food also in unripe condition unless it is cooked. It is popular as Salad, Salsa and also be itself.

Health Benefits of Papaya

Papaya is a tasty fruit and it is also a very healthy food. It contains vitamin C in a huge. It provides a large 144% of the daily recommended value per serving and it is a very infection fighter. It contains other vitamins include vitamin A   it help fighting skin disease and keep freshen your skin. It is also required for mucous membranes, vision and especially effective against macular degeneration. 13% of the DRV in folate is given by Papaya. Papaya contains a good number of fiber potassium and a cell and body fluid component that helps control  blood pressure and heart rate.

Some esseltial vitamins is required for your body as vitamin B, B6, B1, folic acid, riboflavin is available in papaya. Papaya contains flavonoid beta carotene which is proven as a fighter against lung and mouth cancers. It has many antioxident properties that is proved helpful for yous body.

Papayas contain 212 amino acids and several enzymes that is effectively good for stomach.

So guys, Papaya have many health benefits. Start eating papaya and live healthy.

Papaya Fun Facts

Spanish chronicler Oviedo in 1526 first mentioned papaya. After discovering this fruit Christopher Columbus said to have called papayas the "fruit of the angels."

So, this was some health benefits of papaya, if there is any question you may let me know. have a nice one.

Try To Relife Migraine

A large number of us use the word Migraine in case of common headaches. But all the headaches are not migraine. Here I put  some information and hope will be useful to you.

What Really A Migraine Is?

A migraine headache is the result of specific physiological changes that occur within the brain and lead to the characteristic pain and associated symptoms of a migraine.

A migraine is actually linked with sensibility of light, surrounded sound and smell. A migraine headache often entangle only one side of head and often the both side of head. Sometimes The pain of migraine is described as troubling and pounding.

In some cases, patients experience specific warning symptoms. The patients may experience a blind spot or an flashing light on one corner of their eye.

What causes migraine?

The actual cause of migraine is not known yet. But there may be instability in particular neurotransmitters and chemical imbalance in the brain. That changes may predispose patients to develop migraine.

What triggers migraines?

There are many things that pointed as migraine trigger. Some hormones, some kind of oral contraceptives triggers migraines. Multifarious food like red wine, smoked meat ,Monosodium glutamate, artificial sweeteners, chocolate and even dairy products have been marked as trigger of migraine. Barometric pressure also is a trigger of it.

What is the treatment for migraines?

There are several medicines or treatments for migraine headaches. The treatment depends on how long and how many times patient suffers headache per day. The treatment of an acute migraine headache is different from other headache  medicines. Some patients take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen as prescription  medication. The medicine Triptans (Rizatriptan, Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan, Naratriptan, Eletriptan, Almotriptan and Frovatriptan) is amazingly effective on acute migraine. But not all the patients can use those as treatment.

There are several kind of migraine headaches and the treatment is also different from each. Botox injection is efficacious for the patients who suffer 15 headache days in a month.


Green Tea Immaculate Life

Green tea has been hailed for it's many health advantages such as- stave cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease from off your body. A few days research says that quencher can uplift our cognitional function of brain and moreover the working memory

Prof. Christoph Beglinger  and Prof. Stefan Borgwardt two effectual member of the research team says their research suggest them that Green Tea could be hopeful in the treatment of cognitive impairments associated with neuropsychiatric disorders.

Their research details published in the journal Psychopharmacology.

Green tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis. Green tea is made of unoxidized leaves not like other teas. So, it is antioxidants.

In past researches says the quencher has many health benefits. The last year researches says Green tea may reduce stroke risk and it helps fight prostate cancer.

Green tea 'boosts connectivity between parietal and frontal cortex of your brain' 

To past researches the team starts an experiment with 12 healthy male and their age is approximate 24.

They were given milk whey-based soft drink that contains 27.5 g of tea extract and others were given without tea extract. They were oblivious which drink they had been given.

Then the research team take a experiment on them and be surprised on their increasing memory.